Monday, May 19, 2014

York to Leads May 19


We started our day with a smaller English breakfast. They apologized profusely that they would be unable to offer eggs. What is an English Breakfast without eggs. The regular cook, a lovely 24 year old man, had a day off; and, the other cook did not know how to turn the stove on to cook the eggs. It was not a bother to us, because there were so many other dishes to chose from. It did cause a stir with a few of the other quests. Quite a fuss over.

The after breakfast plan, to work off the most delicate croissant I have ever eaten, of course with more butter and marmalade, was to walk for two and a half hours along the river paths including one section of city wall. It was sunny and warm.





Vincent promptly arrived at noon to drive us to Leeds. At lunch Vincent made a comment that those who share part of a camino to Santiago, become supportive friends for a life time. He sure proved it to us. On his day off with an evening wedding planned, he picked up two friends, Tim and Barbara who were part of his Ryan Air fraternity, drove two hours to pick us up in York, drove us 1.5 hours to Leeds and then treated us to a spectacular fine restaurant meal. Vincent we owe you big time. Just get on a plane with Mona and fly to San Francisco. What a show we will put on for you. Though the lighting is way off for a more flattering set of pictures, they must be included. Tim is a retired Ryan Air pilot teaching part time as a simulator instructor. His flying stories were very entertaining. Barbara is a retired stewardess

Tim and Barbara

Vincent is in the left background. He is an active Ryan Air Pilot
Again many thanks Vincent...


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